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Grammar Mistakes

Grammar can be confusing in any language and this is especially true of the English language. However, by taking the time to look over common grammatical errors, you will be able to avoid making them in your written and spoken language. In this section, we are going to look at various grammatical errors and some interactive exercises giving you the opportunity to ensure that you are able to omit these from your English and sound much more like a native speaker.

Grammatical Errors

What are Grammatical Errors?

Grammar is the study of words and how they work together to form sentences. It includes the rules about how to structure a sentence. A grammatical error is simply a mistake in writing. It is an error that goes against the rules. It can include a controversial usage of grammar because even the experts sometimes disagree on the best way to use the language. Grammatical errors are often overlooked or ignored. Someone may recognize the error, but still understand the message that was meant to be conveyed. There are times though, that grammatical errors can cause confusion.

Why Learn Grammar Mistakes?

Have you ever applied for a job that was perfect for you? You fit the requirements perfectly. You had the exact experience they wanted. You had great references. But you never heard back from them. One reason could have to do with grammatical errors. In other words, you made a mistake that you did not catch on your resume or cover letter. Unfortunately, your potential employer caught it and your resume went in the trash.

This happens all the time. In fact, some businesses use it as an initial screening tool. The application process is also not the only place that this occurs. Grammatical errors in business communication (letters and email) can lead to lost contracts, lost clients, and ultimately lost revenue for your employer. They also damage your credibility.

Is someone going to catch all your grammatical errors? No, absolutely not. But there are people out there who are savvy enough about grammar to notice the mistakes. There are enough of them to make a grammar check during your proofreading important.

Types of Grammatical Errors

Grammatical errors can be broken down into several common categories.

Sentence Fragments

All sentences need to have a subject and a verb. Fragments occur when one is missing. This is often because the writer is trying to express a different idea.

For example:

  • The new mayor was inexperienced. A time of confusion.
  • After I finish my homework.

Run-on sentences

run-on sentence is when the writer joins two independent clauses and does not use a conjunction.

For example:

  • The boxes need to be stacked, do it right away.
  • It is important to have auto insurance because you may get into a vehicle crash and be responsible for damages to the other person’s car.

Commonly Confused Words

Sometimes words have similar spelling but mean different things. Some examples are:

  • Advice – Advise
  • Affect – Effect
  • Alright – All right
  • Desert – Dessert
  • Forth – Fourth
  • Loose – Lose
  • Peace – Piece
  • Personal – Personnel
  • Plain – Plane
  • Poor – Pore – Pour
  • Than – Then
  • Who – Whom
  • Write – right

Explore more: Commonly Confused Words


Some words sound the same but have different meanings and different spellings. Two of the most common examples are:

Two – too – To

  • Two: is the number 2

Please get two apples from the cabinet.

  • Too: means also, or extremely,

Get the bananas too.

  • To: is used to show motion

I am going to the store.

Explore more: Homophones

There – their – They’re

  • There: usually has to do with location. Remember that the word “here” is contained in it.

The store is over there.

  • Their: usually shows that something belongs to someone. Remember that there is an “I” in the word.

They are leaving after they get their coats.

  • They’re: means they are.

They’re not coming to the party tonight.


Punctuation involves using punctuation marks and spacing in your text. The reader may not recognize exactly what your mistake is, but they will usually realize that there is a problem. Some of the most common punctuation mistakes are:

Incorrect use of the apostrophe: People frequently add an apostrophe in places where it is not needed. Apostrophes indicate possession: something that belongs to someone. There are a handful of rules about when and where to use them.

CommasCommas separate parts of the sentence but are frequently used incorrectly. Many people forget them entirely, while others overuse them. As with the apostrophe, there are about 10 rules for comma use.

Colons and Semi-colonsColons precede lists, quotations, or explanations. Semi-colons help link two independent clauses. The quick rule for using semi-colons? Don’t do it unless you are absolutely clear on the rules!

Common Grammar Mistakes

Learn a useful list of common grammar mistakes you might be making – and how to avoid and correct them with example sentences and ESL printable worksheets.

Examples of 170+ common grammatical errors in English and how to correct them.

Incorrect:  I have a good news for you.

Correct:     I have good news for you


Incorrect:  Worry kills more the men than work.

Correct:     Worry kills more men than work.


Incorrect:  We learn not at the school, but in life.

Correct:     We learn not at school, but in life.


Incorrect:   He sent a word that he would come soon.

Correct:     He sent word that he would come soon.


Incorrect:  I have read the Shakespeare’s King Lear.

Correct:     I have read Shakespeare’s King Lear.


Incorrect:  You cannot set a foot in this house.

Correct:     You cannot set foot in this house.


Incorrect:  It’s not good to go to the bed late.

Correct:    It’s not good to go to bed late.


Incorrect:  He is Daniel in judgment.

Correct:    He is a Daniel in judgment.


Incorrect:  It was tough decision to make.

Correct:    It was a tough decision to make.


Incorrect:  A little spark kindles great fire.

Correct:     A little spark kindles a great fire.


Incorrect:   The clock has struck seven hours.

Correct:      The clock has struck seven.


Incorrect:   There is no place in the hall.

Correct:      There is no room in the hall.


Incorrect:    We came by the 4:30 o’clock train.

Correct:       We came by the 4:30 train.


Incorrect:   He left with his belonging luggage.

Correct:      He left with his luggage.


Incorrect:    I gladly avail of your offer.

Correct:       I gladly avail myself of your offer.


Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 1

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 1


Incorrect:    The girl wants to get herself married. 

Correct:       The girl wants to get married.


Incorrect:    This option is preferable than any other.

Correct:       This option is preferable to any other.


Incorrect:    Women commit less crimes than men.

Correct:       Women commit fewer crimes than men.


Incorrect:    I want a little quantity of milk.

Correct:       I want a small quantity of milk.


Incorrect:    Give a literally translation of the passage.

Correct:       Give a literal translation of the passage.


Incorrect:    Life is long if you know how use it.

Correct:       Life is long if you know how to use it.


Incorrect:    Don’t go in the sun.

Correct:       Don’t go out in the sun.


Incorrect:   I know him good.

Correct:      I know him well.


Incorrect:   They had no sooner arrived then they were arguing.

Correct:      They had no sooner arrived than they were arguing.


Incorrect:   He asked me that why I had not gone to the party.

Correct:      He asked me why I had not gone to the party.


Incorrect:   My sister’s all the books have been stolen.

Correct:      All my sister’s books have been stolen.


Incorrect:   On what you are here ?

Correct:      What are you here for ?


Incorrect:    Tell me why did you do that ? 

Correct:       Tell me why you did that.


Incorrect:    I, you and he will do it together.

Correct:      You, he and I will do it together.


Incorrect:   Exercise is good both for work as well as health.

Correct:      Exercise is good for work as well as health.


Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 2

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 2


Incorrect:    She did a request for some water.

Correct:      She made a request for some water.


Incorrect:   Open the last but one page of the book.

Correct:      Open the last page but one of the book.


Incorrect:    I am in favor to stop work now.

Correct:       I am in favor of stopping work now.


Incorrect:    Those who are absent, I shall punish them.

Correct:       I shall punish those who are absent.


Incorrect:    I’m really excited to good news from you.

Correct:       I’m really excited to get your good news


Incorrect:    I feel myself feverish.

Correct:       I feel feverish.


Incorrect:    He made an excuse to be late.  

Correct:       He made an excuse for being late.


Incorrect:    He rose equal to the occasion.

Correct:       He was equal to the occasion.


Incorrect:    Are your work busy ?

Correct:       Do you have a busy job ?  


Incorrect:   She left a bit in a hurry.

Correct:      She left in a bit of a hurry.


Incorrect:    I’ll date her out this Friday.

Correct:       I’ll take her out on a date this Friday.


Incorrect:    If someday we meet, would we again start?

Correct:       If someday we meet, would we start again?


Incorrect:    I am difficult to learn Chinese.

Correct:       It is difficult for me to learn Chinese.


Incorrect:    Thailand is coming into rainy weather.

Correct:       Thailand is in the rainy season now.


Incorrect:    What time of a day now in your country?

Correct:       What is the time now in your country?


Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 3

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 3


Incorrect:    You can try it more…

Correct:       You can try a few times…


Incorrect:   He went to abroad to further his study.

Correct:      He went abroad to further his study.


Incorrect:   Today, I’ll cut my hair.

Correct:      I’ll have my hair cut today.


Incorrect:   Did China come into rain season?

Correct:      Is it the rainy season in China?


Incorrect:   How was your sleeping yesterday?

Correct:      Did you have a good sleep yesterday?


Incorrect:   Why don’t stay more time here?

Correct:      Why don’t you stay a little longer?


Incorrect:   You like ice cream, isn’t it?    

Correct:      You like ice cream, don’t you?


Incorrect:    It is a high pay job.

Correct:       It is a high-paying job.


Incorrect:    I can’t get over how you look well.

Correct:       I can’t get over how well you look.


Incorrect:    How much is the temperature?

Correct:       What is the temperature?


Incorrect:    Don’t feel anger with me !!! I’m just kidding.

Correct:       Don’t be mad at me !!! I’m just kidding.


Incorrect:    I have been abroad 10 years.

Correct:       I have been abroad for 10 years.


Incorrect:    How does he like ?

Correct:       What does he look like ?


Incorrect:     Lilian is living far away with China.

Correct:        Lilian is living far away from China.


Incorrect:     Are you a saler,  Jame?

Correct:       Are you a salesman, Jame?


Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 4

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 4


Incorrect:     Which kind of that car?

Correct:        Which type of car is that ?


Incorrect:     How are you this week ?

Correct:        How have you been this week ?


Incorrect:     There’s an exceptional to every rule.

Correct:        There’s an exception to every rule.


Incorrect:     How can I explain if you keep to but in?

Correct:        How can I explain if you keep butting in?


Incorrect:     I’ll go out after the dinner.

Correct:        I’ll go out after dinner.


Incorrect:     We make the bread with the flour.

Correct:        We make bread with flour.


Incorrect:    The experience is the mother of wisdom.

Correct:        Experience is the mother of wisdom.


Incorrect:    He has decided to step down as the captain of the team.

Correct:       He has decided to step down as captain of the team.


Incorrect:     Never tell tales out of the school.

Correct:        Never tell tales out of school.


Incorrect:     They study in the England.

Correct:        They study in England.


Incorrect:     More people today die of the cancer.

Correct:        More people today die of cancer.


Incorrect:     I like to play the football.

Correct:        I like to play football.


Incorrect:     The pink is my favorite color.

Correct:         Pink is my favorite color.


Incorrect:     Although it’s raining, but she still go out.

Correct:        Although it’s raining, she still goes out.


Incorrect:    You may not realize that how important time is.

Correct:        You may not realize how important time is.


Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 5

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 5


Incorrect:     Linda’s work is more perfect than Jamie’s.

Correct:        Lind’s work is better than/superior to Jamie’s.


Incorrect:     I don’t have enough money to buy new bicycle.

Correct:        I don’t have enough money to buy a new bicycle.


Incorrect:     Why do you need hundred dollars ?

Correct:        Why do you need a hundred dollars ?


Incorrect:     He has good knowledge of English grammar.

Correct:        He has a good knowledge of English grammar.


Incorrect:     I often go to theater on the weekend.

Correct:        I often go to the theater on the weekend.


Incorrect:    Your advice is great significance.

Correct:       Your advice is of great significance.


Incorrect:     The event is bound to attracting wide press coverage .

Correct:        The event is bound to attract wide press coverage .


Incorrect:     Please persuade him don’t do that.

Correct:        Please persuade him not to do that.


Incorrect:     I saw them to work.

Correct:        I saw them work.


Incorrect:    She looks cheerfully today.

Correct:       Shelley looks cheerful today.


Incorrect:    The lights his room’s are on.

Correct:       The lights of his room are on.


Incorrect:    Either of the plans are equally dangerous.

Correct:       Either of the plans is equally dangerous.


Incorrect:   Don’t pretend to not recognize me.

Correct:      Don’t pretend not to recognize me.


Incorrect:    He neither has talent nor the desire to learn.

Correct:       He has neither talent nor the desire to learn.


Incorrect:    Only I and my friend were at the concert.

Correct:       Only my friend and I were at the concert.


Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 6

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 6


Incorrect:    Lizzie approached me and held my hand, say, “Hello !”

Correct:       Lizzie approached me, held my hand, and said, “Hello !”


Incorrect:   She found difficult to sustain the children’s interest.

Correct:      She found it difficult to sustain the children’s interest.


Incorrect:    I would have made a big fault only you advised.

Correct:       I would have made a big mistake only you advised.


Incorrect:    He goes better every day.

Correct:       He gets better every day.


Incorrect:   I’ve passed the hearing test with a high score.

Correct:      I’ve passed a listening test with a high score.


Incorrect:   It was still bright outside.

Correct:      It was still light outside.


Incorrect:   Who cooked this salad ?

Correct:      Who made this salad ?


Incorrect:   Different from me, she is proficient in Chinese.

Correct:      Unlike me, she is proficient in Chinese.


Incorrect:   Little children are difficult to understand that.

Correct:      It is difficult for children to understand that.


Incorrect:   Don’t step in the grass.

Correct:      Keep off the grass.


Incorrect:   get my salary twice a month.

Correct:      I get paid twice a month..


Incorrect:   Would you like to drink ?

Correct:      Would you like something to drink?


Incorrect:   What do you expect in a pig but a grunt?

Correct:      What do you expect from a pig but a grunt?


Incorrect:   forget my hat in the house.

Correct:      I left my hat in the house.


Incorrect:   Be careful or you’ll have a cold.

Correct:      Be careful or you’ll catch a cold.


Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 7

170+ Common Grammar Mistakes in English And How to Avoid Them


Incorrect:   The head office is in Tokyo.

Correct:      The main office is in Tokyo.


Incorrect:   He cannot read and write.

Correct:      He cannot read or write.


Incorrect:   This is the way how I made it.

Correct:      This is how I made it.


Incorrect:   I introduce Mr. Smith to you !

Correct:      May I introduce Mr. Smith to you !


Incorrect:   Do you have any pencil? Yes I have it .

Correct:      Do you have a pencil ? Yes, I have one.


Incorrect:   She is wearing blue jeans pants.

Correct:      She is wearing blue jeans.


Incorrect:   Last night I didn’t keep my diary.

Correct:      Last night I didn’t write anything in my diary.


Incorrect:   He made a world record.

Correct:      He set a world record.


Incorrect:   The class’s students are 55.

Correct:      There are 55 students in the class.


Incorrect:   I don’t even understand my mind.

Correct:      I don’t even understand what I was thinking.


Incorrect:   felt good mood today.

Correct:       I am in a good mood today.


Incorrect:   My watch doesn’t move at all.

Correct:      My watch isn’t running.


Incorrect:   We moved house to Johor last month.

Correct:      We moved to Johor last month.


Incorrect:   He is our common friend.

Correct:      He is our mutual friend.


Incorrect:   It was my first time to go abroad.

Correct:      It was the first time I had gone abroad.


Common Grammar Mistakes in English | Image 8

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 8


Incorrect:   It is not of only your business.

Correct:      It is none of your business.


Incorrect:   I  do anything I can for you.

Correct:      I will do anything I can for you.


Incorrect:   You should describe what has happened detailly.

Correct:      You should describe what has happened in detail.


Incorrect:   It happened a few minutes before.

Correct:      It happened a few minutes ago.


Incorrect:   Where is the capital of Japan.

Correct:      What is the capital of Japan?


Incorrect:   Which of these two shirts do you prefer more.

Correct:      Which of these two shirts do you prefer?


Incorrect:   I’ve got many homeworks for this week.

Correct:      I’ve got a lot of homework for this week.


Incorrect:   I am sorry to have kept you waited.

Correct:      I am sorry to have kept you waiting.


Incorrect:   There is a stranger knock at the door.

Correct:      There is a stranger knocking at the door.


Incorrect:   After dinner, my mother suggested to go for a walk.

Correct:      After dinner, my mother suggested going for a walk.


Incorrect:   Would you mind to give me a hand?

Correct:      Would you mind giving me a hand?


Incorrect:   am married next month.

Correct:      I will get married next month.


Incorrect:   You can sit my next seat.

Correct:      You can sit next to me.


Incorrect:   Where are you come from ?

Correct:      Where do you come from ?


Incorrect:   Bill’s no afraid to express his opinions.

Correct:      Bill’s not afraid to express his opinions.


Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 9

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 9


Incorrect:   His life could dangerous.

Correct:      His life could be in danger.


Incorrect:   Joanna was painful when her boyfriend left her.

Correct:      Joanna was in pain when her boyfriend left her.


Incorrect:   We are necessary to keep these two issues distinct.

Correct:      It is necessary to keep these two issues distinct.


Incorrect:   Lorna likes the kitten. I like it either.

Correct:      Lorna likes the kitten. I like it too.


Incorrect:   I will go but I have not finished my homework too.

Correct:      I will go but I have not finished my homework yet.


Incorrect:   Veronica is a hard student.

Correct:      Veronica is a hard-working student


Incorrect:   I have never tried on so a nice dress.

Correct:      I have never tried on such a nice dress.


Incorrect:   Please give me a detail schedule of the meeting.

Correct:      Please give me a detailed schedule of the meeting.


Incorrect:   I like orange.

Correct:      I like oranges.


Incorrect:   One hour are much too long for me to wait!

Correct:      One hour is much too long for me to wait!


Incorrect:   The manager and the secretary was out.

Correct:      The manager and the secretary were out.


Incorrect:   Neither I nor you clean the board.

Correct:      Neither I nor you cleans the board.


Incorrect:   Many people prefer to buy Malaysia products.

Correct:      Many people prefer to buy Malaysian products.


Incorrect:   My cousin dead in that accident.

Correct:      My cousin died in that accident.

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 10

Common Grammar Mistakes/ Grammatical Errors in English | Image 10

Incorrect:   She bought two photos albums.

Correct:      She bought two photo albums.


Incorrect:   He has three son-in-laws.

Correct:      He has three sons-in-law.


Incorrect:   Do you like to play the volleyball?

Correct:      Do you like to play volleyball?


Incorrect:   I looked at me in the mirror.

Correct:      I looked at myself in the mirror.


Incorrect:   James is a matured man of forty.

Correct:      James is a mature man of forty.


Incorrect:   Your writing needs to be improving.

Correct:      Your writing needs to be improved.


Incorrect:   Since that incident, I followed my friend’s advice.

Correct:      Since that incident, I have followed my friend’s advice.


Incorrect:   I think I will never find someone as you.

Correct:      I think I will never find someone like you.


Incorrect:   I do not know why did this happen.

Correct:      I do not know why this happened.


Incorrect:   Why the postman did not come today ?

Correct:      Why didn’t the postman come today ?


Incorrect:   We’ll get down at the next bus stop.

Correct:      We’ll get off at the next bus stop.


Incorrect:   The shop is opened every day.

Correct:      The shop is open every day.


Incorrect:   The gold is a kind of precious metal.

Correct:      Gold is a kind of precious metal.


Incorrect:   She is taller compared to me.

Correct:      She is taller than me.


Common Grammar Mistakes in English | Image 11


Incorrect:   I’ll give to you soon.

Correct:      I’ll give it to you soon.


Incorrect:   Thanks for giving me useful advices.

Correct:      Thanks for giving me useful advice.


Incorrect:   Thanks for giving me useful advices.

Correct:      Thanks for giving me useful advice.


Incorrect:   Why don’t you take a driving license?

Correct:      Why don’t you get a driving license?


Incorrect:   Get up early is good for one’s health.

Correct:      Getting up early is good for one’s health.


Incorrect:   My father will be home today afternoon.

Correct:      My father will be home this afternoon.


Incorrect:   very love drawing.

Correct:      I love drawing very much.


Incorrect:   What of season do you like best ?

Correct:      Which season do you like best ?


Common Grammar Mistakes in English | Image 12

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