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Coordinating Conjunctions with Examples

Coordinating Conjunctions with Examples


Conjunction is defined as a word that joins words, phrases, or clauses. It links words, phrases or clauses.

  • Ali and Diya are doing their homework.
  • Would you like to eat rice with a chicken piece or beep?

Coordinating conjunction is one of the types of conjunctions. You can visit our site Study English Page to study other types of conjunctions. 

Definition of Coordination Conjunction

A coordinating conjunction is a conjunction that connects words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance. It is used to give equal emphasis to two clauses in compound sentences. 

  • I told him everything, but he kept it secret.

Coordinating Conjunctions with Examples

There are seven coordinating conjunctions in English. Remembering the acronym FANBOYS is the best way to remember all the seven coordinating conjunctions. The acronym FANBOYS is just like an abbreviation. 


For is used to join two independent clauses and it shows a reason or purpose. It is used just like we use because for reason. 

  • My mother cooked rice, for she loves rice.
  • We will not attend the party, for we have to go to New York on the same day.
  • We came late yesterday, for we did not have a car.

Remember that ‘For’ can also be used as a preposition.

  • I have been suffering from stomachache for three days.


The conjunction ‘And’ is used to add one thing to another. We use it to join two nouns, verbs, phrases, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, or two independent clauses. 

  • The small baby looks beautiful and cute.
  • I will bring vegetables, and she will cook.
  • Ali and Diya are two of my students.
  • When I saw him, he turned back and locked the door.


The conjunction ‘Nor’ is used when we present a second negative idea. It is less common as compared to other coordination conjunctions, but it still joins two negative ideas. 

  • I don’t drive fast, nor does Ali drive fast.
  • We have not been to Germany, nor have we been to Japan.
  • I did not send him an invitation cad, nor did I call him.

Word order in the second clause is changed when we use the coordination conjunction ‘Nor’. After ‘Nor’, we use a pattern just like interrogative. Auxiliary comes before the subject. 


‘But’ is a coordinating conjunction that is used to introduce an opposite idea. We use ‘But’ to join two contrasting words, two phrases, or ideas of equal importance. 

  • I can speak English fluently, but I can’t speak Chinese.
  • I was good at math, but I failed the test.
  • They led a tough life, but they did not beg.


It is a coordinating conjunction which we use to show an alternative or a choice. We use the coordinating conjunction ‘Or’ between two of the same parts of speech, two phrases, or two clauses. 

  • Ali or John will call you later.
  • We will pick you up, or we will send a car.
  • Would you like to drink cold drinks or eat something sweet?


We use this coordinating conjunction for adding a contrasting idea. The contrasting that ‘Yet’ introduces follows the preceding idea. 

  • They go to tuition academy, yet they are so weak in their studies.
  • She earns a lot of money, yet she does not have money in her pocket.
  • We ate an hour ago, yet we feel hungry.


So is one of the coordinating conjunctions that we use to show result or effect. It shows the result or effect of an action in the earlier clause. 

  • My mother was ill, so I called the doctor.
  • The store next to our house is closed, so I have to go to the market.
  • He studies with great interest, so he doesn’t forget his homework.

Punctuating a Coordinating Conjunction

As we know that coordinating conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses. How to punctuate them?

When the coordinating conjunctions join clauses, we use commas before coordinating conjunctions. 

  • My brother tells me more and more, but I don’t listen.
  • We attended the party, and my father just reached at the eleventh hour.

When we use coordinating conjunctions to connect two grammatical units except clauses, we don’t need to use commas. 

  • Ali and John seemed poorly groomed yet well mannered.
  • He has curly hair and beautiful eyes.

When we have three or more items in a series, we use ‘And’ or ‘Or’ to join the final two elements. We generally use a comma before ‘And’ or ‘Or’ to avoid the ambiguity. This comma is called the Oxford Comma which is common in the United States, but most writers of British English do not use it. 

Coordinating Conjunctions at the Beginning of a Sentence

Some instructors might not recommend using coordinating conjunction at the beginning of a sentence. The reason behind this can be a sentence fragment. The reality is this that you can use when it makes the flow of your idea more effective, you can choose this option. 

  • I don’t want to resign, nor do I want to listen my friends’ advice. And I want to continue my job to prove that I have potential.

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