What is another word for “strong”? This lesson provides a list of useful “strong” synonyms in English with ESL pictures and example sentences. Learning these words to use instead of “strong” will help you expand your vocabulary words.
Strong Synonym
Strong Definition and Examples
Meaning of Strong:
The word strong is an adjective. Strong means possessing the power to move heavy objects to perform tasks that require great strength. The word also means an object or person that can stay intact under an incredible amount of pressure or force.
- Olivia is a strong person to be able to still smile despite everything she has been through.
- My boyfriend is stronger than me, I have no problem admitting that.
- The jaw of a Pit Bull is incredibly strong.
Other Words for “Strong”
Frequently used synonyms for “strong”.
- Athletic
- Beefy (informal)
- Brawny
- Burly
- Drastic
- Extreme
- Fighting fit
- Fit
- Fit as a fiddle
- Forceful
- Harsh
- Healthy
- Hench (informal)
- Herculean
- In fine fettle
- In good condition
- Intense
- Lusty
- Manful
- Manly
- Muscular
- Overpowering
- Powerful
- Powerfully
- Redoubtable
- Robust
- Sinewy
- Stalwart
- Stout
- Strapping
- Sturdy
- Thriving
A large list of 115+ different words to use instead of “strong”.
- Abundant
- Athletic
- Beefy (informal)
- Big
- Bold
- Brawny
- Burly
- Clear
- Colossal
- Consistent
- Constant
- Courageous
- Deep
- Defensive
- Drastic
- Durable
- Effective
- Endurant
- Enduring
- Energetic
- Enormous
- Extreme
- Fast
- Fighting fit
- Firm
- Fit
- Fit as a fiddle
- Forceful
- Formidable
- Gigantic
- Great
- Hard
- Hardy
- Harsh
- Healthy
- Hearty
- Heavy
- Hench (informal)
- Herculean
- High
- Huge
- Hulking
- Husky
- Immense
- Immune
- Impregnable
- In fine fettle
- In good condition
- Intense
- Invariable
- Jumbo
- Large
- Largest
- Lasting
- Long-standing
- Loud
- Lusty
- Manful
- Manly
- Mighty
- Monstrous
- Monumental
- Mountain
- Mountainous
- Muscular
- Overpowering
- Permanent
- Persistent
- Potent
- Powerful
- Powerfully
- Prodigious
- Proof
- Redoubtable
- Refractory
- Resilient
- Resist
- Resistant
- Resolute
- Rigid
- Robust
- Rock-solid
- Rugged
- Settled
- Severe
- Sharp
- Sinewy
- Solid
- Sound
- Stabile
- Stable
- Stalwart
- Stationary
- Steadfast
- Steady
- Stiff
- Stout
- Strapping
- Stronger
- Strongest
- Stupendous
- Sturdy
- Substantial
- Surefooted
- Tenable
- Terrific
- Thriving
- Tight
- Tough
- Tremendous
- Unalterable
- Unyielding
- Viable
- Vigorous
- Violent
- Well-established
- Withstanding
Strong Synonyms Infographic
A useful table of synonyms for strong in English.
Another Word for “Strong”
Strong Synonyms with Examples
Learn another word for strong with example sentences.
- Athletic
His body is wiry and athletic.
- Beefy (informal)
Amanda and Tina were both beefy, sporty types.
- Brawny
He was a big brawny man with huge hands.
- Burly
He was a big, burly man.
- Drastic
Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.
- Extreme
Extreme caution should be exercised when buying part-worn tyres.
- Fighting fit
After a good night’s sleep I feel fighting fit again.
- Fit as a fiddle
I felt as fit as a fiddle after my walking holiday.
- Forceful
It made a very forceful impression on me.
- Harsh
The minister received some harsh criticism.
- Healthy
Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy.
- Hench (informal)
There’s nothing funnier than seeing a really hench guy walking a tiny dog.
- Herculean
He completed the translation of this monumental work with a herculean effort.
- In fine fettle
I feel in fine fettle after my two weeks’holiday.
- In good condition
This bike is second-hand but it’s still in good condition.
- Intense
His love life was complicated, and involved intense relationships.
- Lusty
I hope it is a squalling lusty boy with dark red hair and freckles.
- Manful
He made manful effort to the heavy furniture, but failed .
- Manly
The boy walked with a manly stride.
- Muscular
He is tall, broad and muscular.
- Overpowering
There’s an overpowering smell of garlic in the kitchen.
- Powerful
A powerful snow storm is moving eastward.
- Redoubtable
Tonight Villiers faces the most redoubtable opponent of his boxing career.
- Robust
It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary.
- Sinewy
A short, sinewy man, he had an easygoing manner that concealed an inner intensity.
- Stalwart
She has been a stalwart supporter of the party for many years.
- Stout
He put up a stout defence in court.
- Strapping
He’s a strapping lad — already bigger than his father.
- Sturdy
They put up a sturdy defence of their proposal.
- Thriving
May the god of money give you a thriving business.
Synonyms for Strong with Examples | Infographic
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