What is another word for “situation”? This lesson provides a list of commonly used synonyms for “situation” in English with ESL pictures and useful example sentences. Learn these words to use instead of “situation” to expand your English vocabulary.
Situation Synonym
Situation Definition and Examples
Meaning of Situation: Something that is happening at a particular time and place, the environment of a place
- “ The situation at the Siachin glacier is now under control, General”
- “The situation could get quite dangerous.”
- “He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.”
Other Words for “Situation”
Commonly used synonyms for “situation”.
- Ball game (informal)
- Case
- Circumstance
- Condition
- Kettle of fish (informal)
- Plight
- State
- State of affairs
- Status quo
Big list of 100+ different words to use instead of “situation”.
- Ability
- Affair
- Ambience
- Ambient
- Appointment
- Area
- Assignment
- Atmosphere
- Ball game (informal)
- Basis
- Berth
- Billet
- Business
- Capacity
- Case
- Challenge
- Circumstance
- Circumstances
- Climate
- Concern
- Condition
- Conditions
- Conjuncture
- Context
- Contingency
- Crisis
- Development
- Devise
- Difficulty
- Emergency
- Emplacement
- Employment
- Environment
- Environs
- Establish
- Estate
- Event
- Eventuate
- Fact
- Footing
- Function
- Grade
- Happening
- Incident
- Instance
- Issue
- Job
- Juncture
- Kettle of fish (informal)
- Level
- Locale
- Locality
- Location
- Locus
- Matter
- Mode
- Occasion
- Occupation
- Occurrence
- Office
- Place
- Placement
- Plight
- Point
- Position
- Post
- Posture
- Practice
- Predicament
- Problem
- Profession
- Put
- Question
- Rank
- Real
- Reality
- Role
- Scene
- Seat
- Setting
- Sitch
- Site
- Sphere
- Spot
- Stage
- Stand
- Standing
- State
- State of affairs
- Station
- Stationing
- Status
- Status quo
- Subject
- Thing
- Trade
- Trouble
- Truth
- Vacancy
- Where
- Whereabouts
Situation Synonyms with Examples
Learn another word for “situation” with example sentences.
- Ball game (informal)
This has made the presidential election a whole new ball game.
- Case
In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door.
- Circumstance
I know I can trust her in any circumstance.
- Condition
Your condition is serious and requires surgery.
- Kettle of fish (informal)
That was indeed a pretty kettle of fish.
- Plight
She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless.
- State
Her mind was in a state of constant turmoil.
- State of affairs
This state of affairs can no longer be ignored.
- Status quo
He was dissatisfied with the status quo.
More helpful examples with the word “situation”:
- Security forces were ordered out to control the situation in the city.
- The situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now.
- Journalists are reporting that the situation has now normalized.
- The political situation has grown increasingly oppressive.
- The situation was getting quite frightening.
- He has had an acute analysis of the situation.
- Try not to worry – there’s nothing you can do to change the situation.
- There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.
- A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.
- I will have to make a full report of the situation to my superiors.
Another Word for Situation | Infographic

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