What is another word for “significant”? Following is a list of synonyms for “significant” with example sentences and ESL pictures. Learning these words to use instead of “significant” will help you expand your vocabulary.
Significant Synonym
Significant Definition and Examples
Meaning of Significant: Having a noticeable meaning; Being of a size that is worthy of attention and respect
- “ How you behave with your partner makes a significant impact on the mental health of your children”
- “You contributions to this company are significant, and therefore you are deserving of this promotion”
- “The amniocentesis test carries a significant risk of miscarriage”
List of Synonyms for Significant
Commonly used synonyms for “Significant”.
- Appreciable
- Consequential
- Considerable
- Conspicuous
- Crucial
- Extraordinary
- Glaring
- Important
- Impressive
- Marked
- Memorable
- Momentous
- Notable
- Noteworthy
- Outstanding
- Particular
- Remarkable
- Serious
- Striking
- Unforgettable
Big list of 190+ different words to use instead of “significant”.
- Acute
- All-important
- Ample
- Apparent
- Appreciable
- Appropriate
- Authoritative
- Aware
- Awe-inspiring
- Bad
- Basic
- Big
- Big time
- Big-league
- Big-time
- Bigwig
- Broad
- Burning
- Cardinal
- Celebrated
- Central
- Charged
- Chief
- Clear
- Cogent
- Compelling
- Consequential
- Considerable
- Conspicuous
- Constitutive
- Convincing
- Critical
- Crucial
- Decisive
- Deep
- Denotative
- Distinct
- Distinguished
- Dominant
- Earnest
- Earth-shaking
- Effective
- Effectual
- Efficacious
- Elevated
- Eloquent
- Eminent
- Emphatic
- Enormous
- Epoch-making
- Essential
- Eventful
- Evident
- Exceptional
- Exciting
- Expressive
- Extensive
- Extraordinary
- Famous
- Far-reaching
- Fateful
- Firm
- Forceful
- Fundamental
- Germane
- Glaring
- Good
- Goodly
- Grand
- Grave
- Great
- Greater
- Greatest
- Gross
- Hard
- Heavy
- High
- Higher
- Highest
- High-up
- Historic
- Huge
- Illustrious
- Important
- Importantly
- Impressive
- Inconsiderable
- Increased
- Indicative
- Influential
- Insignificant
- Inspirational
- Instrumental
- Key
- Knowing
- Large
- Larger
- Leading
- Main
- Major
- Marked
- Massive
- Material
- Mean
- Meaning
- Meaningful
- Memorable
- Momentous
- Monumental
- Much
- Necessary
- Negligibly
- Newsworthy
- Notable
- Noteworthy
- Noticeable
- Older
- Operative
- Outstanding
- Palpable
- Particular
- Patent
- Persuasive
- Pertinent
- Pithy
- Pivotal
- Pointed
- Portentous
- Powerful
- Pregnant
- Pressing
- Prestigious
- Primary
- Prime
- Principal
- Prodigious
- Profound
- Prominent
- Pronounced
- Purposeful
- Real
- Red-letter
- Relevant
- Relevantly
- Remarkable
- Representative
- Respectable
- Responsive
- Revealer
- Rich
- Salient
- Senior
- Sensible
- Sensitive
- Sensitively
- Sententious
- Serious
- Severe
- Sharp
- Signal
- Singular
- Sizable
- Solemn
- Solid
- Sound
- Special
- Striking
- Strong
- Substantial
- Substantive
- Suggestive
- Superior
- Susceptible
- Symbolic
- Tall
- Tangible
- Telling
- Terrific
- Tidy
- Token
- Unforgettable
- Unusual
- Urgent
- Valid
- Valuable
- Vast
- Very
- Vital
- Vulnerable
- Weighty
- Well
- Well-known
- Wide
Significant Synonyms Infographic

Synonyms for Significant
Significant Synonyms with Examples
Learn another word for significant with example sentences.
- Appreciable
There’s no appreciable change in the patient’s condition.
- Consequential
There must of course be no consequential loss of quality.
- Considerable
The fire caused considerable damage to the church.
- Conspicuous
The notice must be displayed in a conspicuous place.
- Crucial
It’s absolutely crucial that we get this right.
- Extraordinary
We’ve made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard.
- Glaring
The report contained some glaring errors.
- Important
It is important to have a balanced, healthy diet .
- Marked
They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country.
- Memorable
This was indeed the most memorable day of my life.
- Momentous
The momentous news was that war had begun.
- Notable
Getting both sides to agree was a notable achievement.
- Noteworthy
The most noteworthy feature of the list is that there are no women on it.
- Outstanding
The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.
- Particular
I have no particular reason for doubting him.
- Remarkable
It is remarkable that nobody noticed sooner.
- Serious
Industry is facing a serious labor shortage.
- Striking
There is a striking difference between Jane and Mary.
- Unforgettable
The trip had been unforgettable experience for both of us.
Synonyms for Significant with Examples | Infographic
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