What is another word for “make”? This lesson provides a list of commonly used synonyms for “make” in English with ESL images and useful example sentences. Learning those “make” synonyms will help you enhance your English vocabulary.
Make Synonym
“Make” Definition and Examples
Meaning of “Make”:
Make simply put means to produce something. The definition of make means to cause something to be formed, or to alter something into a specific condition. It could also mean to cause, force, to start something, or to understand as a meaning.
- I had to make a fire from dried grass since I couldn’t find any wood in this dense forest.
- The chef has to make a dessert out of candies for the competition.
- You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
Other Words for “Make”
Widely used synonyms for “Make”.
- Assemble
- Build
- Construct
- Create
- Fabricate
- Form
- Manufacture
- Produce
- Put together
- Shape
The large list of 195+ different words to use instead of “make”.
- Able
- Access
- Achieve
- Address
- Advance
- Allow
- Alter
- Arrive
- Assemble
- Attain
- Back
- Bear
- Beat
- Benefit
- Better
- Bring
- Build
- Care
- Carry out
- Catch
- Cause
- Change
- Choose
- Clear
- Collect
- Come
- Come forward
- Complete
- Conclude
- Constitute
- Constrain
- Construct
- Contribute
- Contrive
- Convert
- Cook
- Correct
- Create
- Derive
- Design
- Develop
- Doing
- Draft
- Draw
- Draw up
- Drive
- Drop
- Earn
- Effectuate
- Enable
- Enforce
- Engender
- Enhance
- Ensure
- Erect
- Establish
- Execute
- Extend
- Fabricate
- Face
- Fashion
- Fetch
- File
- Film
- Find
- Finish
- Fire
- Fix
- Forge
- Form
- Gain
- Get
- Get ready
- Give
- Go
- Grab
- Grow
- Happen
- Have
- Hold
- Impel
- Implement
- Improve
- Increase
- Indicate
- Induce
- Initiate
- Invent
- Issue
- Join
- Just
- Keep
- Know
- Label
- Lead
- Learn
- Leave
- Letting
- Like
- Live
- Look
- Make up
- Manage
- Manufacture
- Mark
- Meet
- Mold
- Move
- Need
- Net
- Oblige
- Obtain
- Occur
- Offer
- Open
- Operate
- Order
- Organize
- Originate
- Output
- Pass
- Perform
- Persuade
- Pick up
- Place
- Play
- Point
- Prep
- Prepare
- Press
- Proceed
- Produce
- Profit
- Progress
- Provide
- Provoke
- Pull
- Push
- Put
- Put together
- Quit
- Reach
- Ready
- Realise
- Rebuild
- Receive
- Remove
- Render
- Repair
- Represent
- Result
- Return
- Save
- Score
- Secure
- Seem
- Send
- Sensitization
- Sensitizing
- Set
- Set up
- Settle
- Shall
- Shape
- Shoot
- Show
- Sort
- Stamp
- Start
- Stop
- Strengthen
- Structure
- Style
- Subject
- Submit
- Support
- Survive
- Switch
- Table
- Take
- Take in
- Talk
- Tell
- Throw
- Train
- Transform
- Turn
- Type
- Upgrade
- Urge
- Wear
- Win
- Work
- Work up
- Worry
- Write
- Yield
Synonyms for Make with Examples
Learn make synonym examples in English.
- Assemble
The shelves are easy to assemble.
- Build
They have permission to build 200 new houses.
- Construct
Use your protractor to construct an equilateral triangle.
- Create
You can create something more glorious than the championship.
- Fabricate
They plan to fabricate a cinema next year.
- Form
This document will form the basis for our discussion.
- Manufacture
Plants use the sun’s light to manufacture their food.
- Produce
A scientist must produce evidence in support of a theory.
- Put together
I think we can put together a very strong case for the defence.
- Shape
These events helped to shape her future career.
More make synonym examples in English:
- Empty vessels make the greatest sound.
- Fortune is good to him who knows to make good use of her.
- A ragged colt may make a good horse.
- Don’t have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.
- The habit [cowl, hood] does not make the monk.
- If you have no hand, you cannot make a fist.
- Necessity and oportunity may make a coward valient.
- Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.
Another Word for Make | Infographic