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Another Word for “Grow” | List of 100+ Synonyms for “Grow” with Useful Examples


What is another word for “grow”? Following is a list of commonly used synonyms for “grow” in English with ESL images and useful example sentences. Learning these words to use instead of “grow” will help you enhance your English vocabulary.

Grow Synonym

“Grow” Definition and Examples

Meaning of “Grow”:

Meaning the ability of someone or an object to change its size or property. It can also be used to indicate a good change in terms of development. It’s is also used when referring to mental development, physical change or in business.


  • The child was able to grow his knowledge over a very short time.
  • I would like to make my business grow if you don’t mind.
  • need someone to help make sure bola stays in class and grow mentally and physically.

Other Words for “Grow”

Common synonyms for the word “grow”.

  • Build up
  • Enlarge
  • Expand
  • Get bigger
  • Get larger
  • Increase
  • Multiply
  • Spread
  • Swell
  • Widen

Large list of 100+ different words to use instead of “grow”.

  • Accrue
  • Accumulate
  • Advance
  • Age
  • Amplify
  • Arise
  • Augment
  • Bear fruit
  • Become
  • Begin
  • Bloom
  • Blossom
  • Boom
  • Boost
  • Breed
  • Broaden
  • Build
  • Build up
  • Burgeon
  • Climb
  • Come
  • Come up
  • Crop
  • Cultivate
  • Culture
  • Deepen
  • Develop
  • Dilate
  • Distend
  • Enhance
  • Enlarge
  • Escalate
  • Evolve
  • Expand
  • Extend
  • Farm
  • Fatten
  • Flourish
  • Form
  • Foster
  • Fructify
  • Further
  • Gain
  • Gather
  • Germinate
  • Get
  • Get ahead
  • Get bigger
  • Get larger
  • Grow up
  • Heighten
  • Improve
  • Increase
  • Issue
  • Lengthen
  • Luxuriate
  • Magnify
  • Make
  • Maturate
  • Mature
  • Mount
  • Move forward
  • Multiply
  • Mushroom
  • Nurture
  • Originate
  • Plant
  • Proceed
  • Produce
  • Progress
  • Proliferate
  • Propagate
  • Prosper
  • Push
  • Raise
  • Regrow
  • Ripen
  • Rise
  • Shall
  • Shoot
  • Shoot up
  • Snowball
  • Sow
  • Spread
  • Spring
  • Spring up
  • Sprout
  • Start
  • Strengthen
  • Stretch
  • Surge
  • Swell
  • Take
  • Tend
  • Thicken
  • Thrive
  • Turn
  • Upping
  • Urge
  • Wax
  • Widen

Synonyms for Grow with Examples

Learn another word for “grow” with example sentences.

  • Build up

Big waves will never build up in a small bay.

  • Enlarge

They’ve decided to enlarge the company.

  • Expand

The school has been refused permission to expand

  • Get bigger

 This is a big lead for Bush, and it could get bigger before it gets smaller.

  • Get larger

There will be efforts to get larger amounts of food to the needy.

  • Increase

The force hopes to increase the number of its beat constables.

  • Multiply

This will multiply our chances of success.

  • Spread

There is a real danger that the disease might spread.

  • Swell

It was obvious she had broken her toe because it immediately started to swell.

  • Widen

As it approaches the sea, the river begins to widen.

More examples with the word “grow”:

  • Plants grow fast in the warmest season.
  • Flowers grow along the side of the wall.
  • Laugh and grow fat.
  • The boy taught me to grow, those girls taught me how to love.
  • We all grow into the beautiful person that we’re supposed to be. Some earlier, some later.
  • We are all born flexible but as we grow older, we tend to seize up a little.
  • Most children who stammer grow out of it.
  • We’re going to grow a variegated ivy up the back of the house.

Another Word for Grow | Infographic

Another Word for Grow | List of 100+ Synonyms for "Grow" with Useful Examples

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