What is another word for “afraid”? This lesson provides a useful list of synonyms for “afraid” in English to improve and increase your vocabulary.
Afraid Synonym
Afraid Definition and Examples
Meaning of afraid: The manifestation of fear of a thing or an event that manifests in a physiological fight or flight responses including perspiration elevated heartbeat, and dilated pupils.
- “Children are usually afraid of the dark because their imaginations run wild when they cannot see around them.”
- “It is common to be afraid of things that one has no understanding of.”
- “I am not afraid I am afraid to spend courage tattle and prate.”
Other Words for “Afraid”
Often-used synonyms for “afraid”.
- Tense
- Panicky
- Terrified
- Frightened
- Fearful
- Scared
- Petrified
- Timid
- Chicken out
- Nervy
- Jittery
- Cowed
- Frantic
- Uneasy
- Shaky
- Jumpy
- Shell-shocked
- Horror
- Horrified
- Timid
- Horror-struck
Huge list of 100 different words to use instead of “afraid”.
- Afeard
- Affrighted
- Aghast
- Agitated
- Alarmed
- Anxious
- Appalled
- Apprehensive
- Averse
- Backward
- Bashful
- Be afraid
- Birdhearted
- Cautious
- Chary
- Chicken
- Chicken-livered
- Concerned
- Coward
- Cowardly
- Cowed
- Coy
- Craven
- Daunted
- Diffident
- Discouraged
- Disinclined
- Dismayed
- Distressed
- Disturbed
- Fainthearted
- Faint-hearted
- Fear
- Feared
- Fearful
- Fearful
- Fearsome
- Freaked
- Frightened
- Frightening
- Frozen
- Funky
- Gutless
- Have cold feet
- Hesitant
- Horrified
- Hung up
- Indisposed
- Insecure
- Intimidated
- Jittery
- Jumpy
- Lily-livered
- Loath
- Mousy
- Nervous
- Panicked
- Panicky
- Panic-stricken
- Perturbed
- Petrified
- Piker
- Pusillanimous
- Rabbitly
- Recreant
- Reluctant
- Running scared
- Scared stiff
- Scared to death
- Scaredy
- Scaredy-cat
- Scary
- Shaky
- Shocked
- Shrinking
- Shy
- Sissy
- Sorry
- Spooked
- Startled
- Stunned
- Suspicious
- Terrified
- Terror-stricken
- Timid
- Timorous
- Tremulous
- Troubled
- Uncourageous
- Uneager
- Uneasy
- Unhappy
- Unnerved
- Unwilling
- Upset
- Wary
- Weak-kneed
- White-livered
- Worried
- Yellow
“Afraid”Synonyms with Examples
- For example: She sounded tense and angry.
- For example: He was feeling panicky.
- For example: He’s terrified of being bitten by a snake.
- For example: I’m too frightened to ask him now.
- For example: Parents are ever fearful for their children.
- For example: I was scared of the big dog.
- For example: I’m petrified of snakes.
- For example: They’ve been rather timid in the changes they’ve made.
Chicken out
- For example: You’re not going to chicken out, are you?
- For example: You seem quite nervy this morning.
- For example: I felt jittery before going on stage.
- For example: The natives were cowed by the army.
- For example: Let’s go back. Your parents must be getting frantic by now.
- For example: His presence made her feel uneasy.
- For example: Her voice sounded shaky on the phone.
- For example: Anna’s very jumpy about something.
- For example: I felt completely shell-shocked after I heard the news.
- For example: She fell back in horror.
For example: It horrified her so much she kept it secret for months.
- For example: They’ve been rather timid in the changes they’ve made.
- For example: He stared, horror-struck at the sight.
Another Word for “Afraid” | Image

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