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Baby Idioms: Phrases and Idioms about Children and Baby


Baby Idioms and Phrases! Learn commonly used children idioms and baby sayings in English with meaning, ESL picture and example sentences.

Baby Idioms and Sayings

List of Baby Idioms and Phrases

  • (Having a) Bun in the Oven
  • Babe In Arms
  • Babe In The Woods
  • Baby boomer
  • Born on the wrong side of the blanket
  • Boys will be boys
  • Child’s Play
  • Chip off the Old Block
  • Like a kid in a candy store
  • Sleep like a baby
  • Throw the baby out with the bath water
  • Wet Behind the Ears

Baby Idioms with Meaning and Examples

(Having a) Bun in the Oven

  • Meaning: Pregnant
  • ExampleI have a bun in the oven again! Cynthia will have a baby sister.

Babe In Arms

  • Meaning: A baby being carried
  • Example: Children will be admitted to the concert, but sorry, no babes in arms.

Babe In The Woods

  • Meaning: An innocent, naïve person
  • ExampleSheila is very intelligent, but when it comes to the tough competition in this business she’s a babe in the woods.

Baby boomer

  • Meaning: A person born in the years following World War II, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate
  • ExampleAmerica’s health care costs are expected to soar as baby boomers become senior citizens.

Born on the wrong side of the blanket

  • Meaning: Born to parents who were not married
  • ExampleHis parents eventually married, but that boy was born on the wrong side of the blanket.

Boys will be boys

  • Meaning: A phrase of resignation used when boys get into trouble or are stereotypically reckless or rowdy
  • ExampleWhen my sons tracked mud all through the house, I had to remind myself that boys will be boys.

Child’s Play

  • Meaning: A very easy task
  • Example: After learning to drive a stick shift, driving with an automatic transmission is child’s play.

Chip off the Old Block

  • Meaning: Someone who resembles a direct ancestor, usually the father
  • Example: Bruce is a chip off the old block—he loves basketball, just like his dad.

Like a kid in a candy store

  • Meaning: To be so excited about one’s surroundings that one acts in a childlike or silly way
  • ExampleLiam loves football so much that he’s like a kid in a candy store any time he steps into the stadium.

Sleep like a baby

  • Meaning: To experience a very deep and restful sleep; to sleep soundly
  • ExampleI can’t believe you finished a triathlon! You’re going to sleep like a baby tonight.

Throw the baby out with the bath water

  • Meaning: To discard something valuable or important while disposing of something worthless
  • ExampleWhy are we scrapping the entire project? Come on, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

Wet Behind the Ears

  • Meaning: Inexperienced, immature, new to something
  • ExampleShawna is smart, but she’s still wet behind the ears as a programmer. She’ll need time to master the system.

Baby Idioms and Phrases | Image

Children and Babies Idioms Image

Baby Idioms and Phrases: Children and Babies Idioms in English

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