Sleep Vocabulary! Learn commonly used sleep phrasal verbs in English with meaning, ESL picture and example sentences to improve your English fluency.
Sleep Vocabulary
List of Useful Sleep Phrasal Verbs
- Wake up
- Get up
- Lie down
- Sleep in
- Drop off
- Sleep over
- Lie in
- Stay up
- Go off
- Sleep through
- Sleep on it
- Doze off
Sleep Phrasal Verbs with Meaning and Examples
List of phrasal verbs about sleeping in English with meaning and example sentences.
Wake up
- Meaning: Stop sleeping
- Example: I often wake up at 6. am.
Get up
- Meaning: Stop sleeping and leave bed
- Example: We had to get up at 4 and work 12 hours.
Lie down
- Meaning: Rest on your back
- Example: He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep.
Sleep in
- Meaning: Sleep longer than wanted
- Example: We usually sleep in on Sunday mornings.
Drop off
- Meaning: Fall asleep easily, without intending to
- Example: She kept dropping off at her desk sometimes.
Sleep over
- Meaning: Sleep at a friend’s house
- Example: Are your friends sleeping over tonight?
Lie in
- Meaning: Stay in bed after the time you usually get up
- Example: It’s a holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in.
Stay up
- Meaning: Go to bed later than usual
- Example: We stayed up half the night talking.
Go off
- Meaning: Ring
- Example: I’ve set the alarm clock to go off at 6 am.
Sleep through
- Meaning: Sleep continuously for a long time
- Example: I slept right through till lunchtime.
Sleep on it
- Meaning: Delay making a decision until the following day
- Example: Sleep on it and we’ll take tomorrow, okay?
Doze off
- Meaning: Go to sleep especially when you did not intend to
- Example: Sorry, I must have dozed off for a few minutes.
Sleep Phrasal Verbs in English | Picture