Phrasal verbs with LAY! Learn lay by meaning, lay down meaning, lay low meaning, lay off meaning, lay of meaning, lay on meaning, lay out meaning, lay up meaning with ESL printable images.
Phrasal Verbs with LAY
List of frequently used phrasal verbs with LAY in English
Lay down Meaning & Examples
Lay down
- Meaning: Give up, surrender, or yield (e.g. a weapon)
- Example: The police urged the gunman to lay down his weapon.
Lay down
- Meaning: Intentionally take a fall while riding a motorcycle, in order to prevent a more serious collision
- Example: He laid down his brand-new Harley-Davidson to avoid the oncoming bus.
Lay down
- Meaning: Specify, institute, enact, assert firmly, state authoritatively, establish or formulate
- Example: Let’s lay down the rules right at the beginning, so we are consistent.
Lay down
- Meaning: Lie down; to place oneself in a reclined or horizontal position, on a bed or similar, for the purpose of resting
- Example: I feel a bit ill, so I’m going to go lay down for a while.
Lay by, Lay low, Lay off Meaning & Examples
Lay by
- Meaning: Put away for future use; put aside; store; save; hoard; to build up as savings
- Example: He had managed to lay by money for college through his years as a paperboy.
Lay low
- Meaning: Topple or overcome; to cause to fall; (of a person) to knock out
- Example: He was laid low by a vicious blow to the head.
Lay off
- Meaning: Cease, quit, stop (doing something)
- Example: When are you gonna lay off smoking?
Lay of, Lay on Meaning & Examples
Lay of
- Meaning: Stop bothering, teasing, or pestering someone; to leave (someone) alone
- Example: I told him to lay off me but he wouldn’t stop.
Lay on
- Meaning: Provide (food or drinks) for free
- Example: At the conference, they laid on a wonderful buffet.
Lay on
- Meaning: Repeatedly say (particular things)
- Example: He laid on compliments.
Lay out, Lay up Meaning & Examples
Lay out
- Meaning: Arrange in a certain way, so as to spread or space apart
- Example: She laid the blocks out in a circle on the floor.
Lay up
- Meaning: Make a layup with (a basketball)
- Example: He takes the pass, he drives, he lays it up and in.
Phrasal Verbs with LAY | Picture