99 Phrasal Verbs with COME! Learn come about meaning, come across meaning, come after meaning, come along meaning, come apart meaning, come along meaning, come around meaning, come at meaning, come back meaning, come along meaning… with examples and ESL picture.
Phrasal Verbs with Come
List of 99 useful phrasal verbs with Come in English with meaning and example sentences.
Come about, Come across Meaning and Examples
Come about
- Meaning: Happen, occur
- Example: Can you tell me how the accident came about?
Come across
- Meaning: Give an appearance or impression; to project a certain image
- Example: A business suit and briefcase help her to come across as the competent professional she is.
Come across
- Meaning: Find, usually by accident
- Example: In the meadow he will come across a rare flower.
Come after, Come along Meaning and Examples
Come after
- Meaning: Pursue, follow
- Example: Don’t try to come after me.
Come after
- Meaning: Follow, to succeed, be the successor of
- Example: Who came after Richard the Lionheart?
Come along
- Meaning: Accompany
- Example: I’d like you to come along with me to the opera.
Come along
- Meaning: Progress; to make progress
- Example: Your English is really coming along!
Come apart, Come around, Come away Meaning and Examples
Come apart
- Meaning: Break, separate
- Example: The cup just came apart in my hands.
Come around
- Meaning: Change one’s mind
- Example: Give her time, and she may come around and see things your way.
Come away
- Meaning: Become separated from something
- Example: The cakes have started to come away from the pan.
Come away
- Meaning: Distance oneself (from)
- Example: He goes to the park to come away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Come at Meaning and Examples
Come at
- Meaning: Get to, especially with effort or difficulty
- Example: His precise meaning was not easy to come at.
Come at
- Meaning: Attack, to harass
- Example: As I backed away, he came at me with a knife.
Come at
- Meaning: Accept (a situation); agree to do; try
- Example: Nah, mate – I′m not going to come at that again. Too risky.
Come back Meaning and Examples
Come back
- Meaning: Return to one’s possession, especially of memories
- Example: Suddenly it all came back to him, the tea, the petite madeleines, his mother.
Come back
- Meaning: Return to a former state, usually a desirable one
- Example: Many people counted him out, but he came back better than ever.
Come back
- Meaning: Return
- Example: I left work and came back home early.
Come before Meaning and Examples
Come before
- Meaning: Appear publicly in front of someone superior
- Example: He was summoned to come before the king.
Come before
- Meaning: Be of greater importance (than)
- Example: Looking out for your family should come before making money.
Come before
- Meaning: Be judged, decided or discussed by authority
- Example: Jones’ behavior will come before the board of directors.
Come before
- Meaning: Precede
- Example: F comes before G in the alphabet.
Come between, Come by Meaning and Examples
Come between
- Meaning: Affect negatively or cause discord between (someone) and another person
- Example: Our love is so strong that nothing can come between us.
Come by
- Meaning: Obtain; to get, especially by chance or involuntarily
- Example: A loyal friend is hard to come by.
Come by
- Meaning: Come near to; pass; visit
- Example: Your beau came by while you were shopping.
Come down, Come down on, Come down upon, Come down to, Come down with Meaning and Examples
Come down
- Meaning: Descend, fall down, collapse
- Example: A tree came down and hit me on the head.
Come down
- Meaning: Be demolished
- Example: The damage sustained in the fire is so great that the whole building will have to come down.
Come down
- Meaning: Decrease
- Example: Real estate prices have come down since the peak of the boom.
Come down
- Meaning: Reach a decision
- Example: I can’t guess which way the board will come down on the project.
Come down
- Meaning: Be passed through time
- Example: Much wisdom has come down in the form of proverbs.
Come down
- Meaning: Return from an elevated state of consciousness or emotion
- Example: He finally came down from his post-bonus high.
Come down on
- Meaning: Punish
- Example: The company came down on him very hard after he was found skipping work.
Come down upon
- Meaning: Criticise, reprimand severely
- Example: They’re coming down heavily upon people for not paying their taxes.
Come down to
- Meaning: Reach by moving down or reducing
- Example: Come down to my place someday and have lunch.
Come down to
- Meaning: Depend upon, basically, ultimately or in essence
- Example: The game is going to come down to the last five seconds.
Come down with
- Meaning: Contract or get; to show symptoms of an illness with a scratchy throat and a cough, it feels like
- Example: I’m coming down with a cold.
Come for, Come forth, Come from Meaning and Examples
Come for
- Meaning: Search for something or someone, in order to catch them/it
- Example: You should hide: the police are coming for you.
Come forth
- Meaning: Move forward and into view, emerge, appear
- Example: Suddenly a man appeared and came forth out of the fog.
Come from
- Meaning: Have as one’s birthplace or nationality
- Example: I come from Thailand.
Come in, Come in for Meaning and Examples
Come in
- Meaning: Enter
- Example: Please come in and look around.
Come in
- Meaning: Arrive
- Example: That flight just came in.
Come in
- Meaning: Become relevant, applicable or useful
- Example: The third stage of the plan is where Team B comes in.
Come in
- Meaning: Become available
- Example: Blueberries will be coming in next month.
Come in
- Meaning: Have a strong enough signal to be able to be received well
- Example: Most of the neighbors get 14 channels, but only two of them come in well here.
Come in
- Meaning: Join or enter; to begin playing with a group
- Example: They started together, but the drummer came in late.
Come in
- Meaning: Begin transmitting
- Example: This is Charlie 456 to base. Come in, base. Do you read me?
Come in
- Meaning: Function in the indicated manner
- Example: Four-wheel drive sure came in handy while the bridge was washed out.
Come in
- Meaning: Finish a race or similar competition in a particular position
- Example: The horse I had bet on came in fourth in the second race.
Come in for
- Meaning: Be subjected to
- Example: If you go into the forest, you’ll come in for a nasty surprise.
Come into Meaning and Examples
Come into
- Meaning: Inherit (money)
- Example: After his father died, he came into a large fortune.
Come into
- Meaning: Be a factor in
- Example: Money doesn’t come into it.
Come off Meaning and Examples
Come off
- Meaning: Have some success, to succeed
- Example: He tried his Chaplin impression, but it didn’t really come off.
Come off
- Meaning: To happen, take place
- Example: Did the trip to Paris ever come off?
Come on Meaning and Examples
Come on
- Meaning: Encouragement
- Example: Come on, my son, it’s time to pack away your toys.
Come on
- Meaning: Appear on a television broadcast
- Example: I was going to turn off the TV, but my favorite show came on.
Come on
- Meaning: Progress, to develop
- Example: The new garden is coming on nicely.
Come on
- Meaning: Encounter, discover; to come upon.
- Example: Turning the corner, I came on Julia sitting by the riverbank.
Come on
- Meaning: Make a romantic or sexual advance to; to hit on
- Example: He was really coming on to me at the party.
Come on
- Meaning: Start to
- Example: It came on to snow after dusk.
Come on
- Meaning: Be discovered, be revealed
- Example: It finally came out that he had been lying all the time.
Come on
- Meaning: Be published, be issued
- Example: My new book comes out next week.
Come on
- Meaning: End up or result
- Example: There were a lot of problems at the start, but it all came out well in the end.
Come on
- Meaning: Come out of the closet
- Example: He came out about being gay to his parents last week.
Come on
- Meaning: Be deducted from
- Example: That comes out of my paycheck.
Come on
- Meaning: Leave (out of), exit from
- Example: The mouse came out of the hole.
Come on
- Meaning: Express one’s opinion openly
- Example: You had come out in favor of the French Revolution.
Come out in, Come out of, Come out with Meaning and Examples
Come out in
- Meaning: Be afflicted by
- Example: He’s come out in spots.
Come out in
- Meaning: Say something unexpected
- Example: He came out with a very dubious excuse.
Come out of
- Meaning: To develop from something
- Example: The book came out of his experiences in Rome.
Come out with
- Meaning: Say something publicly and unexpectedly
- Example: He comes out with the strangest things!
Come out with
- Meaning: Make something available/to be produced or published
- Example: The company came out with a new line in just three months.
Come over, come round Meaning and Examples
Come over
- Meaning: Affect
- Example: I apologise for my behaviour last night. I don’t know what came over me.
Come round
- Meaning: Change one’s opinion to a prevailing one
- Example: He’s a reasonable man. I knew he’d come round eventually.
Come round
- Meaning: Recover consciousness, to come to
- Example: After the blow to my head, I took a while to come round.
Come round
- Meaning: Visit someone’s home or other regular place
- Example: Would you like to come round for dinner tonight?
Come through, Come through with Meaning and Examples
Come through
- Meaning: Survive, to endure
- Example: With such a weak heart he was lucky to come through the operation.
Come through
- Meaning: Succeed
- Example: The team came through in the end and won the pennant.
Come through
- Meaning: Not to let somebody down, keep one’s promise
- Example: She really came through for us when the project was in trouble.
Come through with
- Meaning: Provide something needed
Example: Our representative in Thailand finally came through with the figures.
Come to Meaning and Examples
Come to
- Meaning: Recover consciousness after fainting etc.
- Example: She came to with the aid of smelling salts.
Come to
- Meaning: Total; to amount to
- Example: How much does that come to?; the bill comes to £10 each.
Come to
- Meaning: Devote attention to in due course; to come around to
- Example: I’ll come to your question in a minute.
Come to
- Meaning: Befall; to affect; happen to; come upon
- Example: I pray no harm will come to you.
Come to
- Meaning: Regard or specify, as narrowing a field of choices by category
- Example: He’s the best when it comes to riveting detective fiction.
Come together, Come under Meaning and Examples
Come together
- Meaning: Arrive at a destination with someone after having travelled there with each other
- Example: We bumped into each other earlier, so we came together in a taxi.
Come under
- Meaning: Come underneath (something)
- Example: Why don’t you come under my umbrella? There’s plenty of room.
Come under
- Meaning: Be included or classified under
- Example: To sympathisers, though, all of his crimes came under the general heading of misdemeanors.
Come under
- Meaning: Be subjected to, be under the auspices of
- Example: Eventually I was promoted, and a small team of recruits came under my authority.
Come up, Come up to, Come up with Meaning and Examples
Come up
- Meaning: Come towards, to approach
- Example: I was standing on the corner when Nick came up and asked for a cigarette.
Come up
- Meaning: Emerge or become known, especially unexpectedly
- Example: Unless anything comes up, I’ll be there every day this week.
Come up
- Meaning: Happen
- Example: I’ll let you know if any vacancies come up.
Come up
- Meaning: Appear
- Example: He came up before a judge and was fined a thousand dollars.
Come up
- Meaning: Draw near in time
- Example: The summer holidays are coming up.
Come up
- Meaning: Rise (above the horizon)
- Example: It’ll be warmer once the sun comes up.
Come up
- Meaning: Begin to feel the effects of a recreational drug
- Example: I could tell from her expression she was coming up already.
Come up to
- Meaning: Approach
- Example: We’re coming up to the end of the night, so please finish your glasses.
Come up with
- Meaning: Invent, create, or think of.
- Example: How can you come up with such brilliant ideas?
Come upon, Come with Meaning and Examples
Come upon
- Meaning: Come across; to encounter; stumble upon; discover or find
- Example: We came upon the skeleton while we were hiking.
Come upon
- Meaning: Befall; to affect; happen to
- Example: I pray no harm will come upon you.
Come with
- Meaning: Join and come along
- Example: We’re going out to lunch. Do you want to come with?
Phrasal Verbs with COME | Images
List of Useful phrasal verbs with Come in English | Image 1
List of Useful phrasal verbs with Come in English | Image 2