Phrasal Verbs with BE! Learn be with meaning, be around meaning, be above meaning, be down meaning… with example sentences and ESL pictures. List of frequently used phrasal verbs with BE in English with meaning and examples.
Phrasal Verbs with BE
List of 27 common phrasal verbs with BE in English.
Be above Meaning & Examples
Be above
- Meaning: Be too good, classy or mature to do something; to disdain
- Example: I thought you said you were above these kinds of antics.
Be above
- Meaning: Outrank
- Example: General Smith is above Private Johnson.
Be along, Be around Meaning & Examples
Be along
- Meaning: Arrive
- Example: I expect John will be along soon.
Be around
- Meaning: Be alive, existent, or present
- Example: I’ll be around for another hour or so.
Be around
- Meaning: Be near; to socialize with
- Example: You’re fun to be around.
Be cut out for, Be down, Be down to, Be down on, Be down with Meaning & Examples
Be cut out for
- Meaning: Be suitable, have the necessary qualities
- Example: He‘s not cut out for teaching.
Be down
- Meaning: Be depressed
- Example: I got some bad news this morning, so I‘m a bit down at the moment.
Be down to
- Meaning: Be reduced or less
- Example: Because of the big sale, the price of these shirts is now down to four dollars.
Be down on
- Meaning: Have negative feelings toward someone
- Example: I don’t know why you‘re so down on Tom.
Be down with
- Meaning: Be ill
- Example: I think you are down with the flu.
Be fed up, Be in for, Be in on Meaning & Examples
Be fed up
- Meaning: Be bored, upset or sick of something
- Example: I‘m fed up with my job.
Be in for
- Meaning: Be able to expect or anticipate, generally said of something unpleasant
- Example: The weather forecast says we are in for three feet of snow over the next week.
Be in for
- Meaning: Be incarcerated for
- Example: My cousin is in for armed robbery.
Be in on
- Meaning: Be a party to a secret shared by a small group of people
- Example: He smiled a little to himself, as he was in on the plan.
Be on about, Be on to, Be out for, Be there for Meaning & Examples
Be on about
- Meaning: Talk about; mean, intend
- Example: I had no idea what on earth you were on about when you started using those scientific terms. I was totally confused.
Be on to
- Meaning: Figure out; to realize the truth
- Example: I was planning it as a surprise, but I think he is on to me.
Be out for
- Meaning: Seek or pursue, especially to determinedly pursue something to one’s own benefit
- Example: He‘s out for all he can get.
Be there for
- Meaning: Be available to provide comfort and support for someone, especially in a period of difficulty
- Example: She knows that I’ll always be there for her.
Be snowed under, Be taken aback, Be taken with Meaning & Examples
Be snowed under
- Meaning: Have too much work
- Example: I’d love to go out to dinner tonight, but I‘m totally snowed under at the office right now.
Be taken aback
- Meaning: Be shocked or surprised
- Example: I was taken aback when we weren’t receiving our bonuses this year.
Be taken with
- Meaning: Like something or someone very much
- Example: I could tell he was quite taken with my daughter.
Be up for, Be up to Meaning & Examples
Be up for
- Meaning: To want to do something
- Example: We’re going clubbing tonight if you‘re up for it.
Be up to
- Meaning: Do or be involved in doing
- Example: I saw you hiding in the bushes yesterday. What were you up to?
Be with Meaning & Examples
Be with
- Meaning: Have sex with
- Example: We dated for almost a year, but I’ve never been with him.
Be with
- Meaning: Date or be boyfriend/girlfriend with
- Example: I’ve been with her for almost a year now.
Be with
- Meaning: Agree with someone
- Example: I’m sorry; I’m not with you on this point.
Be with
- Meaning: Understand someone’s point or intention
- Example: I came in here disagreeing, but I’ve changed my mind, and now I’m with you on this.
Useful Phrasal Verbs with BE | Image