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Collective Nouns – Animals


Collective Nouns, Common Used Collective Nouns for Animals, etc… Please follow the list for detailed expressions, lists and examples;

What is Collective Noun?

Collective noun is a noun which describes a group of things oe people. It means collective noun is a single noun that is made up of  more than one thing or person or etc. For example: family, group, flock, team.


  •   The shepherd is bringing his flock down from the hills.
  •   The dead sheep was covered with swarms of flies.
  •   Every summer droves of sightseers crowd the city.
  •   We could see shoals of tiny fish darting around.
Collective Nouns Used For Animals
an army of ants
bevy of quail
broad of chickens
catch of fish
cloud of insects
colony of gulls
drove of horses
flight of birds
flock of sheep
gaggle of geese
haul of fish
herd of cattle
hive of bees
host of sparrows
kindle of kittens
litter of cubs
menagerie of wild animals
murder of crows
nest of mice
a pack of wolves
plague of locusts
pride of lions
school of whales
shoal of fish
skein of wild geese in flight
string of horses
stud of horses
swarm of bees
team of oxen
train of camels
tribe of goats
troop of lions
zoo of wild animals

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