Internet Slang and Abbreviation List
Online text-based communication is very populer nowadays. Today, Almost everyone use social media like, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc… So typing abbreviations, acronyms and emoticons are more populer when we send messages on mobile phones and computer.
Here is Most important Internet abbreviations and theirs meanings. Please follow the list;
Acronym | Meaning | Acronym | Meaning |
AFAIK | As far as I know | LMK | Let me know |
AKA | Also known as | LOL | Laugh out loud |
AMA | Ask me anything | NM | Not much |
BRB | Be right back | NRN | No reply necessary |
BTW | By the way | NVM | Never mind |
CU | See you | OMG | Oh my God |
Acronym | Meaning | Acronym | Meaning |
CYS | Check your settings | OMW | On my way |
EOBD | End of Business Day | OTOH | On the other hand |
FACK | Full acknowledge | POV | Point of view |
FAQ | Frequently asked questions | PPL | People |
FKA | Formerly known as | SCNR | Sorry could not resist |
FYI | For you information | SMH | Shaking my head |
HBD | Happy birthday | SPOC | Single point of contact |
HMB | Hit me back | TBA | To be announced |
HMU | Hit me up | TBH | To be honest |
HTH | Hope this helps | TGIF | Thank God is Friday |
ICYMI | In case you missed it | THX | Thanks |
IDC | I don’t care | TMI | Too much information |
IDK | I don’t know | TTYL | Talk to you later |
IKR | I know right | TTYS | Talk to you soon |
ILY | I love you | TYVM | Thank you very much |
IMHO | In my humble opinion | WFM | Works for me |
IMO | In my opinion | WRT | With regard to |
IMO | In my opinion | YAM | Yet another meeting |
JK | Just kidding | YMMV | Your mileage may vary |