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IELTS Speaking: scoring (continued)

Continuing from yesterday's lesson, here's my quick guide to how examiners judge candidates' performance in part 2 of the speaking test.

Speaking Part 2

Part 2 gives the examiner a chance to really listen to the candidate's English. When I was an examiner, I used to imagine that I had my eyes closed (of course I didn't actually close them) so that I could concentrate only on what I was hearing.

In this part of the test, the examiner can judge all aspects of performance. But above all, I believe that part 2 is the candidate's best chance to impress the examiner in one key area: vocabulary (lexical resource). In order to give a high score, the examiner needs to hear some 'less common' and 'idiomatic' vocabulary. In simple terms, this means that candidates need to use some phrases that a native speaker might use in a normal conversation.*

Tip: Part 2 is your best chance to impress the examiner with good language. But I don't mean 'complex grammar' and lots of fancy linking words. Focus on giving an interesting and detailed description that contains a range of relevant words and phrases.

*I'll say more about 'less common' and 'idiomatic' vocabulary next Friday.

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