Synoynm words in English. Please follow the list;
“Synonym” means a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.
- The words “small” and “little” are synonyms
- The words “shut” and “close” are synonyms
- The words “incorrect” and “wrong” are synonyms
- The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” are synonyms
Example Sentences:
- This is a wrong answer. or This is an incorrect answer.
( these sentences have the same meaning )
- He is a brilliant scientist. or He is an intelligent scientist.
( these sentences have the same meaning )
To reach detailed synonym words starting with the letter I in English, follow the list;
Synonym Words With I | |
identical | alike, duplicate |
idle | inactive, lazy |
ignorant | uninformed, unaware |
immaculate | spotless, pure |
immature | childish, inexperienced |
immune | resistant, exempt |
impartial | neutral, unbiased, fair |
impatient | eager, anxious, intolerant |
imperative | compulsory, crucial, mandatory |
imperfect | marred, defective, faulty |
impetuous | impulsive, rash, reckless |
important | significant, meaningful |
independent | self-reliant, autonomous |
inferior | lesser, substandard |
infuriate | enrage, agitate, provoke |
ingenious | clever, creative, original |
innocent | guiltless, blameless |
insane | crazy, deranged, mad |
insufficient | inadequate, deficient |
intelligent | bright, sensible, rational |
interesting | provocative, engrossing |
intermittent | sporadic, periodic |
internal | inner, inside |
intolerant | bigoted, prejudiced |
intriguing | fascinating, enthralling |
irrelevant | inappropriate, unrelated |
irritate | annoy, agitate, provoke |